Friday, September 7, 2012

Democrats, Where has Your Party Gone?

I must say as I start this cup of joe, that this is NOT a plug for Republicans. That’s not my point, not my goal, and not what this is about. I have my own problems with the GOP. BUT, (there’s always one of those “buts” isn’t there.) Democrats are digging toward a new low.

What’s my point? Consider, if you will, the many references to faith from the Republican convention. References to God, faith, and moral strength abounded throughout the stories, testimonies, and remembrances. And I might add that such references were made unabashedly and unashamedly. Now contrast that with the Democrats who felt it necessary to take the name of God OUT OF THEIR PLATFORM. No dependency, no humility, no appeal to anyone higher than themselves as they attempt to organize and direct the greatest nation on earth. Kinda reminded me of King Nebuchadnezzar walking on his high and mighty Babylonian wall, overlooking the city and the kingdom, and congratulating himself on what he had done. God taught old Neb. a lesson in humility and perhaps the greatest danger that the Democrats pose for our nation is not the debt crisis or ignoring terrorism or abortion on demand. The greatest danger we might be facing is that the rest of us are standing too close when God chooses to teach them that, “the Lord rules in the kingdoms of men.”

And then, as if it couldn’t get any worse, it did! What they had done was so embarrassing that they had to walk back their removal of God’s name from the platform. In a sham of a vote on this “walk back” they had to ask the delegates to vote THREE TIMES. And I am here to tell you that  according to the audio of the vote that I heard, THREE TIMES they voted “NO”, don’t put the name of God back in. The “NO’s” had the vote, and the chairperson overruled them with a bogus ruling and just declared that by a two thirds majority, they had voted “yes.” It just wasn’t true. The worst part though was what happened then. The clear majority, the “no” voters, actually “boo’ed” the ruling. They boo’ed God’s name even being included in the Democratic platform. Was this a muslim contingent in the party who serve Allah, not Jehovah? Was this the homosexual lobby or the feminist organizers who a long time ago parted ways with God? No, my friend, these were the delegates, the representatives, the common people who were chosen to go to the convention by their local organizations. Exalt Mr. Obama and boo God’s name. hmmmm. Sounds like another group in the New Testament who exalted Mr. Herod as a God and he too was willing to accept the adulation.

It is one thing to have a difference of opinion on the methods of government. Liberalism and the progressives who advocate it DO have logical arguments to debate their cause. It is a shame that those arguments will never be heard however over the foul curses from union leaders swearing profanely in front of cameras at CHILDREN speaking on stages. They won’t be heard from the urine smelling, public defecating, criminal acting occupy crowd that received blessings from Mr Obama and top party leaders. And they won’t be heard over the boo’s and catcalls of the ungodly who cannot even stand the name of God to be mentioned in their party platform. Really? Boo’ing God’s name?

Again, without advocating the GOP at all because they have their own problems, Democrats, is this the party you want to put your name, money, and vote to?

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