Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I was walking with my cousin amid the woods and hills of eastern Kentucky a few years ago searching for an old cemetery where it was rumored that some family members were buried. We never found the cemetery, but we did manage to get turned around and come out of the woods a ways from our car. Coming upon an old house at the end of the road we decided we would ask for directions and proceeded to knock on the door and make our request. The elderly woman was very helpful, but as we were about to leave she startled us by asking, “You both are McMurrays, aren’t you?”

Upon asking how she knew us, since we had certainly never met her before, she invited us in and showed us a picture on the wall of one of our early ancestors. She claimed old man McMurray there on the wall, who my cousin recognized,  was one of her grandfathers also and said she recognized the “look.” Big men, with a particular nose, same wave of hair, they way our eyes were set... She laughed and said she would have known us as McMurrays anywhere.

Just because I like ancestor pics, here's one from 1930 of my Grandfather holding my own father in his arms.

What’s my point? Only this, that McMurrays are not the only family that has characteristics that stand out if you’re looking for them.

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”  1 Peter 1:14-16

Christians are born into God’s family and by choice, our Heavenly Father desires us to take up His characteristics. Those characteristics have nothing to do with the wave in our hair or the size of our nose. They have all to do with our conduct  and are summed up by Peter in the above verse, by the word “Holy.”  Our Father desires for us to be holy and says it is because that is characteristic that makes us like Him. That is the characteristic of God’s family.

On this Fathers’ day, may we all wish to give honor to our Heavenly Father by striving to be like Him, being holy, like He is holy.  The greatest compliment may come to us someday from a complete stranger who is looking for the very characteristics that make you special. Someone who is looking for God may look at your behavior in life and say, “You’re a Christian, aren’t you?”  When pressed for an explanation they may simply reply, “I’d know that life style anywhere.” And God will be glorified in the life of his child.