Monday, August 27, 2012

All Finished Up Here

Dobraya Ootra,
That's the phonetic spelling, not the actual, for Good Evening. Although it's about 2:30 at home, it's about 9:30 here and things are winding down we finish packing for the evening and get ready to get up at 3 so we can taxi to the airport and catch the seven o'clock flight out. Everyone seems to be tired, excited to be heading home, and sad to leave, all at the same time.. We look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Thursday was the last study that I spoke at here in Moscow where I answered some questions that have arisen over the difference between the local and the universal church, and the responsibilities that follow that distinction.

 Dasha was wearing her new top and shoes for school that the young people at Anderson helped to purchase for her to help her get read way for school. By the way, she passed her first test today to place her in another school. It seems that she is tops in her school and needs more of a challenge so she is testing into a new school over the next couple weeks.

 Shannon spoke Friday evening on the blessings that Christians have that should enable them to rejoice in any circumstances. Vernon preached on Sunday and answered more questions, but I'll leave that analysis to his facebooking since I wasn't present. The Shaffers and the McMurrays went back to Tula by train Sunday morning so that we could be there to worship at the evening service. We're getting to be old hands at this train business. Here's a peek at how some of us pass the three hour train ride to and from Tula.

The worship went well with the four steady saints, Eugene and Nina Resnikoff, Vallia, and Vera. I  decided to change lessons and went again over the local versus universal church material and it was well received here also. Here's a shot of your's truly in preaching mode.

The open hearts of these saints was seen in that they picked up material from reading the scriptures that I hadn't even talked about and expressed great appreciation for the teaching. It was a good day, although a long one, and a sad one as tears were again exchanged at parting. The seemed to and expressed appreciation that we had come and encouraged them so much toward "ressurecting" (Eugene's words) the church in Tula. We were up early to catch the early train back to Moscow on Monday morning. Sharing the car with us was a family traveling together, perhaps coming back from a vacation at the Black Sea. The two Russian cuties entertained us and most of the folks on the train for awhile it seemed.

That's about it until we reach home and I can make a full report of our efforts and plans for the future, with your prayers and God's help. I'll leave you with two more examples of russian parking just to prove to you that this is acceptable over over here. That last pic was not just a fluke. Dasvedanye comrades, and slava Boga.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Back in Moscow Again

Good Morning All,
Although it just after noon here in Moscow, I know it's about 4am back at home. Obviously we made it back to Moscow safely. We did try to get on the wrong train in Tula but the car manager was having none of it and told us in no uncertain terms (although we couldn't understand a word of it) that we were NOT getting on her train car. With a little more questioning from other passengers though we managed to figure out which train we had tickets for and get all settled in safely in plenty of time for leaving. Last time we just made it with Shannon running along and throwing his suitcase up the train steps as it was rolling along. This time was much calmer and the ride was pleasant and uneventful -  just the way we like it.    Below is a view of Red Square with the Kremlin on the right.... just because I'm talking about Moscow again.

Wednesday, as we got back to Moscow, I called Alex and Natasha and invited them to the hotel to have dinner with us. We were tired from the trip and didn't really feel like leaving the hotel to eat and the Sereogins don't have much chance to get out for a very nice sit-down meal in a nice restaraunt so I think it worked out well for everybody.  Below is Dasha and Elijah as they were waiting with their parents in the lobby for all of us to come down and go to dinner.

Alex has been having trouble getting his new MacBook to conncect up with his internet Wi-Fi but he finally got it working while we were in Tula with a little help from his friendly Mac tech. Same with his IPad. Since they were now working, however, he brought his IPad along to dinner and afterwards we all went up to the rooms where it was a little quieter so that Shannon could share some downloadable Bible research sites as well as some read-only sites that Alex can now use to help him in his studies. Can you spell "Tech toys for boys"?

While the guys surfed the internet for awhile the ladies chatted each other up.

Even Susan got in on it, although she pretended to be a little camera shy here.

Yesterday, Thursday, everyone wanted to take a few hours and play the shopping tourist for a bit before our evening study meeting at the Sereogins. While the Shaffers went to Arbot Street, the Whites/McMurrays went to the GUM (prononuced goom) across the square from the Kremlin. Originally built as a stockade in the 1500's to protect traders, the building that now stands was built in the 1800's and except for a few years when Lenin turned it into an office building it has remained a center for retail sales up to thre present. It is three floors high and three aisles wide and packed with designer names and you can imagine how we stocked our baggage full of $800 skirts, $1000 shoes, $500 jeans and $300 baby outfits for our granddaughter.... NOT!  :-)  Here's a limited view of the place anyway.

Last evening Shannon led the study at Alex's while Lorna and I visited with my brother whom I haven't seen in a couple years, since he was incountry visiting my parents one New Years. We had a nice dinner at a Ukranian Restaraunt near his flat and I did my regular duty of reminding him that he is out of service to the Lord and could be of great benefit to the church in Moscow if only he would see his way clear to straighten out his attitude. He reminded me that this was the same sermon he heard from me 16 years ago (and every visit since), but I continue to hold out hope for him. I suppose it's just becasue he's my brother and I love him. He and his Russian wife, Lyuba, are always very kind to us, however, and will do anything to help us if needed, while we are on the ground here. 

I suppose that I should get to my studies now since I am leading the study this evening. Our plan is for the Shaffers and McMurrays to take the train to Tula Sunday morning to be there to rent the conference hall in the hotel for the evening service once more. Vernon and Susan will hold the fort down here in Moscow and Vernon will speak here while I speak in Tula. Monday the train should bring us all back together again, and Tuesday early, we are supposed to fly out. This trip is quickly coming to an end and details about continued work at home partnering with the Christians here is being gathered. I appreciate so much the contact that many have made with the group telling us of your prayers and thoughts on our behalf.

Note to Steve Dunn...thanks for picking up my bike and you better NOT have tried to peg the needle on that speedometer. lol

Note to Sarah, my favorite daughter... silly girl, FaceTime is the apple equivalent of Skype only it takes less bandwidth so the contact is better. I can't seem to use so much of my communication here, but I can use my IPod Touch for facetime. Download it girl, onto your Mac. My facetime contact is the same as my email. Enter it in and give me a call.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Good Tuesday am all,
 This will have to be a quick one. We're still in Tula for a few more minutes and I've borrowed Shannon's computer again. We'll be heading to the train station in just a few. Last nites study was as good as the others we have had here in Tula. Saints here seemed to really enjoy meeting, studying, asking questions and expressed sadness each time that our time was up and our study was over. We're heading to Moscow today to spend a little more time with Alex and Natasha. Four us will come back on Sunday to meet with the saints in Tula one last time.

Above is our little study group the evening Shannon taught. This group actually was missing two or three who said they would try to be present. but was increased over Sunday with the addition of Vera, another member of the church here who has been missing.

Just to prove the point that some things never change, I'll share with you a couple pics before I go. The first one is our group of six using the elevator in the hotel that seems sized for two. Snuggely? Ohh yeah.

The other is the statue of Lenin (big Bob) here in Tula. He missed being torn down in the nineties in this retirement town for Communist Officers and still commands attention on the square here in front of the Tula "White House." Yep, that's Lorna in front of it just to give you a little perspective on his stature.

Got to run now, got a train to catch. Tune back in for another cup of Red Russian Coffee and leave replies if you would like to.. Dasvedanya comrades.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Notes From Tula, Russia

It's Monday evening here in Tula. Shannon is resting while Dana does laundry. Vernon is on Expedia getting us set up with rooms in the hotel in Moscow for Wednesday night and following. Lorna is napping and I'm on Shannon's computer trying to get this blog to work. I've already gone through email withdrawal as I have found it impossible to access my account for mail, through the internet connections. Sigh. Writing this blog is my e-methadone fix I suppose.

Saturday Alex Sereogin assisted us in getting train tickets to Tula and by mid morning we were on the road, or perhaps I should say, on the tracks. The car was empty, the ride was smooth and quiet, and what is usually a stop and start ride for over three hours turned into a pleasant 2.5 hour express trip. Below you can observe how we relaxed in transit.

 As I stated above the ride was pleasant and we arrived in Tula and took taxi'x to the hotel and got settled in short order. Misha (Michael) had said to call him when we arrived and he would be glad to help us so call we did. He came over with Sasha (Alexander Masleninakoff (sp?)) and helped us contact Eugene for a meeting. By the time we lunched at McDonalds, met with Misha and Sasha, made phone calls for meeting with Eugene and called all the contacts we had in Tula to invite them to Sunday worship, and arranged to rent the conference room to meet in it was just about time for a snack and back to our rooms to collapse.
The meeting with Eugene and his wife Nina came off famously. We met downtown at the Paradise Mall in the food court which on Sunday morning was deserted so we had the place to ourselves. Eugene outline a brief history of the church in Tula and it's problems. It appears that in the beginning of 2011 there was an economic "crisis" that hit this area when prices for everything skyrocketed and many lost their jobs at the same time. This caused a number of the saints to have to leave the area looking for work while at the same time the rent kept getting raised on the meeting place where the saints worshipped until those that were left simply couldn't afford it. Between the discouragement of the economics of the city, the Christians leaving till only the poor pensioners were left (with just a couple of men with jobs), and losing their meeting place this groups of saints gave in and gave up. Several are still in contact with one another and others we contacted were happy to hear we were in town and wanted to come to the meetings, but as a rule the church has not been meeting together in Tula for about eighteen months. 

Eugene is an ex-military man and well traveled with his job. He has observed growing church works in other countries and would love to see that happen in Tula. I'll share more of that plan for church growth when I return home but we were struck by his desire to pull the church back together and grow as God's kingdom, exercising a good influence and sharing the gospel in this "small town" of about a million souls. Below is the conclusion to our meeting in the food court with Eugene and Nina.Yes, that's Eugene in the middle in the red sailor shirt with his wife Nina on one side and Sasha our friend,  brother and translator on the other.

Worship went well Sunday evening as Eugene showed up with songbooks, communion ware, juice and bread. Sasha translated the service and as well, we were joined by Vallia, one of the Christians in Tula. There were three or four others who were out of town or scheduled elsewhere who expressed their desire to be present but we were happy for the church in  Tula, if only four of them, to meet and praise God and begin to think and plan about how they can re-coup, re-group, and renew their service to the Lord. Below is our Sunday evening worship group.

At this time were are also scheduled to have open Bible studies this evening, Monday, and tomorrow evening here in the hotel where we have rented a conference room. Our plans tentetively are to head back to Moscow on Wednesday to spend a little more time with Alex and Natasha and then for some of us to be in Tula for our last Lord's day here and some of us to be in Moscow. Monday we regroup and Tuesday we fly out.

I'll share some of the serious and not-so-serious things we are seeing and doing, next time. But, I will leave you with this view of Russian inventiveness. If the parking space is too small or you just never learned to parallel park perhaps you can take lessons from the parking job of this guy below. Dadvedanya comrades. Leave replies if you would wish.


Friday, August 17, 2012

A Rainy Friday Morning

Good Morning All,
Its been an interesting week here in Moscow. My apologies for not posting more often, but I'm falling back on my earlier excuses. I'm limited by the hours of this business center here in the hotel, and I've been having a terrible time getting everything done in English. Oh well. Here we are today.

Tuesday evening Vernon did his expected good job teaching on the importance of Christians having love for one another and all the different aspects that this would include.It was also a good evening after the study to deliver some more of the gifts that were sent by different ones.

Here is Dasha and Susan looking through a personal scrapbook  that was put together by the young people at Anderson. It was an introduction to all that group that have been thinking about and praying for 15 year old Dasha. They also put together some money to help her with her back to school fashions and supplies that any 15 year old girl might need to go shopping for. After Susan, Dana, and Lorna went with Dasha and her mother, Natasha, shopping one day, below is one of the outfits she picked out and seemed to be excited about showing off.
Dasha's little brother Elijah, although standoffish and quiet at first, gradually became more active and vocal with us as we visted his house each evening. Just what you'd expect from any two year old.
One pleasant and exciting surprise we got was to learn that both of Natasha's parents, Alexander and Tonya, were Christians. Tonya for two years and Alexander, since Dec. What made this pleasant news exciting is that they live in Tula!  Exactly where we are headed tomorrow to see if we can re-plant the church and encourage the members to begin meeting again. Alex. and Tonya have never been part of this group but they gave us their phone number to contact them when and if we can schedule a meeting time and place for the church in Tula. We certainly hope that this is a possibility and we're excited to know about this 'new blood" for the church there. Below is Dasha with her grand parents, Alexander and Tonya.
After the evening study we all converged on Vernon and Susan's room one evening to unwind. Party foods were walnuts, beef jerky, and ice cream. And you know that if a group of Indiana folk got together there would be a game of Eucre. I suppose I should mention that no matter what you might think of Susan's card playing, that is NOT a bottle of vodka in front of her.

Yesterday, we visited Red Square, possibly the most famous landmark in Moscow, recognized by St. Basils colorful spires highlighted behind the pretty girl on the left who just happened to be standing in front of my camera.
Below are our three accomplices on this trip, cooling off under the flow of a fountain near the undeground mall just off of Red Square.

And then there was Dana. She happily bubbled and questioned everything we did making new friends everywhere we went. One of her new friends at Red Square is seen below.

And lastly for this post, I FINALLY got to see Lenin. No, not John, but the orignator of the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 that turned Russia and the world upside down. After 14 trips, his tomb was finally open at the same time I was visiting.and we got to go in and see him. Although he still in sealed refrigeration, and they say mostly wax, he surprisingly looks very lifelike and ready to get up and get going at any moment. They don't allow cameras in the tomb, but here's the outside located just outside the red walls of the Kremlin.

I think I'm done for today. We're hanging around the hotel until evening because of the rain, and we're all a little tired and need to get ready to head to Tula tomorrow. We're a little anxious about how that's going to turn out so we solicit your prayers on behalf of our efforts, our travels, and the brothers and sisters in that place.
Note to Steve Dunn, BLAST that Anderson Powersports, but thanks for checking on my bike.
Note to Sarah, Willow, Forrest, and Terri; Mom has your pictures in a photo album and she gets it out and looks at you every single day.
Note to the Anderson congregation, Vernon and I speak of you every day and have complete confidence in you that all is going well.
Note to my Dad, thanks for responding to Vernon with Tim's email so quickly. Still trying but haven't been able to make contact with him.
and lastly, a note to anyone who has been trying to email me.... No way am I being able to access my email accounts. Can't figure out why, but haven't been able to do it, so I'm observing email silence.

Be glad to hear from anyone with enought spare time on their hands to be reading this blog..   mac

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday the 14th

Good Tuesday Afternoon,

Well I said that I would update you on the Sunday service but since I'm using the business center computer my hours are limited by their hours. Didn't get the job done yesterday. We had 15 at worship and I spoke on how God put the Israelites exactly where he wanted them to teach them about faith and what He is able to do in our lives when we trust Him. Seems to have been received well. Afterwards Nataha had tea and snack prepared. The hospitality of this lady is amazing. You would think that she had been a preacher's wife all her life the way that she has taken to supporting her husband. Alex did a good job translating and we got to meet Natasha's parents again, with a difference since our last visit. Now they are both Christians also. Wonderful.

Monday evening was the second evening of the Moscow church of Christ "gospel meeting". Shannon spoke in the context of the Olympics, with Christians being the athletes that should run with endurance and according to the rules. He did a good job and did a good job fielding questions afterward also. Again Natasha had tea and snacks prepared in abundance. The table talk was enjoyable and productive as well, as we continued to renew old friendships, encourage their spiritual work, talk about the future. Below is the wonderful table that Natasha set for us.

We're chomping at the bit a little becasue although we have studies planned every night we are pretty much left to our own devices during the day. I thought I might share with you Mondays activities as we amused outself with several miles of city walking, shopping for small items that had been forgotten, and seeing some sights.

Above is just an example of the new building that has gone up since I was here last they're really getting into the swing of using colors on those apartment buildings now instead of painting everything white.

Anything out of the immediate area of a couple miles is reached most economically by metro. Shannon. Lorna and Dana settled into the loud, fast ride with ease.

Taking in the view alongside the Moscow River. And I better not forget the one below although yours truly was doing the phoography.

The view below is from Alex and Nataha's appartment building, a view of South Moscow at night as we prepared to leave on our walk back to the hotel.

That about winds up today's post. I know you're looking for pictures of Dasha, the daughter of Ales and Natasha (who was soooo excited to recive the scrapbook from other young people at Anderson), and I'll try to remember to get that posted soon. Tonight Vernon is speaking at the study and I'm looking forward to that. Vee always does a good job. Spirits are up, there are some developments about Tula that I hope to share with you soon, and prayers are still loved and requested. Missing everyone at home and appreciating your confidence in your fellowship with this trip. Stop by for another cup later and your comments are appreciated.

PS. I didn't answer you Stay, and my favorite daughter Sarah, But I saw your comments and appreciated them. I'm having a fit here trying to work through this Russian language on this business center's computer so it makes it difficult to reply to your reply. Just know that your comments are appreciated.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Well Yes, We DId Make it

Good day all. We are on the ground in Moscow, tired, but doing fine on this first Lord's day of three that we will be visiting here. After leaving Indianapolis late and being concerned about making our connection in Chicago and Helsinki, everything just kinda fell into place and the timing turned out perfect. I did discover that I had given Alex Sereogin the wrong airport wo again, we were a little concerned about causing him some trouble since he was coming to meet us. Thanks go to Dennis and Tina Faivor, back in Anderson, for their phonework in calling Alex for us while we were enroute since our phones wouldn't allow us to call Russia. Again things fell into place, or were at least pushed that way. We arrived safely to the hotel, tired from the long flight, but otherwise in good shape. The computer to replace Alex's old one, an IPad for Natasha and Dasha to use in their studies, and an electronic Bible reader were all delivered to make one tickled Russian. Thanks go to the Avon Heights church of Christ as well as individual contributions from members of the Anderson church of Christ for these electronic tools.

We all were ready for a nap so everyone retired for about three hours before we took and evening stroll. We weren't really ready to start in on the Russian cusine yet so we agreeably finished off the day at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Yep, you read that right. I apologize for being already behind on the pictures. My camera was broken enroute. But, a replacement was found nearby and we hope to share some pics of the trip as planned.

Here's the evening view from our hotel right after a thunderstorm rolled through Saturday afternoon.

Out the same window, Sunday morning, Moscow, Russia.

Out for a Sunday morning stroll to pick up drinking water and a few other neccessities. This would have been about 2 am, eastern standard time.It was about 10 here and we were probably walking off the effects of the time change more than anything else.

And here's our happy little group in front of the south Moscow skyline.

Everybody seems to be feeling ok, just a little lagged. We're supposed to be meeting at Alex's house for worship at 4pm and we're all looking forward to that. I'll let you know how that turns out with greeting the brethren, Alex's family, etc. It appears that I have a great bunch of traveling companions. Everybody's pleasant and agreeable and it is especically pleasant to have my wife along on this trip. In answer to her last public comment on this blog, yes honey, Glad you're along and thank you for coming. Feel free to leave comments and I'll keep you posted, so keep dropping by for a cup.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trip Draws Nearer

We'll it's almost countdown time for our Russian trip. Just three more days before we fly the friendly skies. We just returned from a short jaunt to WoodRiver, IL where my son works. It just so happens that it was our most beautiful granddaughter, Willow's, third birthday. This means it was absolutely necessary that we go and play the doting grandparents and reap the smiles, hugs, kisses, and laughter that only a three year old girl on her birthday can be so full to overflowing with.
 She was soo appreciative of the decorations that her mother put up and so excited for the other kids to see her DORA THE EXPLORER table cloth and birthay banner. She was also so polite as I heard her telling people "oh thank you" (without any parental prompting no less). Maybe her grandma Lorna IS right. Maybe she IS a genius! lol What a pleasant three day visit before we left the country,  with Forrest, Terri, and Willow.

But, that brings me back to the real point of this blog. The time for this trip draws near.
 Requested items to be delivered in Moscow have been gathered. Funding is still trickling in, but if you're reading this and thinking about sending some money, please know that you have our thanks, but funds are sufficient. We have enough and extra to share with our brethren. We're in the process of figuring out how to get it all in carry-on baggage so no bags will have to be checked. Ha, I'll let you know how that turn out!
The shot above will be my final addition to this post. It is the estate home of the famous Leo Tolstoy, author of  WAR AND PEACE, ANNA KARENNIA, and approximately 5,000 other works. He was/is the most famous and prolific of Russian authors and pioneered educational methods that are still used in many Russian school systems. Two things that many do not know might be 1) his estate is located just outside Tula, where we're going to be trying to meet and work with Christians that have been having a difficult go of things, and 2) he was a pen pal of Alexander Campbell, of interest to those who follow restoration history in churches of Christ. It should come as no surprise to find out that after being pen pals with the famous ex-Presbyterian biblical restorer of New Testament Christianity, Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church for his radical ideas that one did not need a clergy system or the trappings of human religion to please God, but simply to follow the New Testament scriptures given by the apostles and prophets of Jesus Christ. My what power can be found by uniting an open heart with the truth.

With that we will leave you. Come back to follow our journey to Moscow and Tula, August 10-28 and feel free to leave a comment.