Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm a fan

I admit it. I’m a fan of the alternative media. I get tired of the one sided viewpoints that one hears echoing across all the “major” news outlets like a list of talking points. The faces change, but the list of “Headline News” seems to be the same across the channels. You know the ones I mean, don’t you? The ones that echo and re-echo the progressive, liberal voices in Washington, ignore our hero’s on the world’s battlefields, pick and choose which news stories they will carry as if they have some kind of liberal agenda (?), and feel at liberty at any time to cast Christians, morality, and conservative values in a bad light. I like to hear the other side. I like hearing the news stories that CBS, NBC, ABC, their cable outlets, and their morning shows won’t report. So I do listen to talk radio, I admit. I do watch Fox News and I check the Drudge Report online.

I will also admit that as a result I hear things that remove doubts and questions from my mind. For example, did you hear in the mainstream news (and I’m doubting it…) about the FOURTH case of an Occupy supporter being arrested for indecent exposure.  It appears that public urination, defecating on police cars, dumping barrels of human waste inside banks, and repeated rapes, thefts, and various criminal activities at Occupy encampments is not enough. Now some are feeling that the proper thing to do to get your message across is to expose yourself to crowds, including children.

Now the thing is, I don’t wonder anymore about what kind of people make up the Occupy crowd. I used to wonder, when in repeated interviews, they couldn't explain what exactly they were protesting. The fog began to clear for me however, as they protested one big business after another and claimed to be speaking for the “common man” while at the same time putting the “common man” out of his small business on the streets they haunted by bad behavior and running off customers. While they cursed people on the way to work every day they begged for free food and money to support their cause from other people who worked for their money. Early on, one of their “demands” was that the multiplied thousands in school loans they ran up rather than work their way through their own education, without the parties, should just be forgiven. More of the same, “We don’t want to work, just give us what we want.”  So, I don’t wonder anymore what kind of people these are. They are self-centered, bereft of values, confused by the illogic of the education they think they have, and possess the class and manners of possums.

What I do wonder about are those who associate themselves with the Occupy crowd and their animal-like behavior. Our President and Mrs Pelosi are two of high influence that encouraged this small group of unhappy people and commended them to the rest of us uninformed ones. Other Democrat leaders jumped on the same wagon and to my knowledge NOT ONE has backed away from those statements holding these possums up for admiration. Shall we stand behind the logic of these kind of leaders?

I wonder about those who support a party whose head voted for infanticide and whose most vocal speaker said with a straight face that the Senate needed to vote ObamaCare into law SO THAT THEY COULD FIND OUT WHAT WAS IN IT! You people out in California voted this character into office! What are you thinking? Every party can and does have individuals that act up this from time to time. One bad apple doesn’t mean the tree is bad. But I wonder about people who are believers in Jesus, who cast their lot in with A PARTY WHOSE PLATFORM is pro- homosexual and pro-abortion. These are not individual opinions, but party platforms that are supported by every vote and every dollar. You CAN know a tree by it’s fruit.

I admit I am a fan of the alternative media. 

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